I came here upon the recommendation of a friend who said Adam (the owner) taught him how to taste whisky. So I signed both my hubby and I to the high roller experience for whisky tasting. We were led up a attic into a room full of whisky bottles from different countries of different kinds. This was kinda cool.
JD and not Adam did the tour for us. He told a story about the history of taste, and gave us a brief history of the prohibition era. Interesting and cool story to hear. He also told us about some winery in pahrump where we could bottle our own wine with our own label which i thought was something I wanted to check out, but I couldn't find anything of the sort on the internet that did that. But i digress..
We were given 10 whisky's; some sweet, some peaty, some "smokey" and all different types. It was interesting and super cool to learn this new technique of tasting whisky, and it seems i got drunk after a couple of sips. My hubby who normally can tolerate his whisky had also had enough after the first round of tastings.
It was a cool experience, but I dont think i would do it again. Thanks Freaking frog and Whisky attic for a unique experience, it was very educational!