It should be called FAST FAIL!!! If I could give them NEGATIVE stars, I would!!! I purchased TWO Movado mantle clocks from them and paid for them to engrave them and one of them NEVER WORKED. After MORE THAN 8 trips back and forth bringing them the clock to fix...they would give it back to me, tell me it was fixed and it wasn't. It would never keep time!! I wasted over a YEAR with them going back and forth each time they would CLAIM it was fixed and it NEVER was!! The last time they swore it was finally fixed, I picked it up and a couple of hours later it was already behind again on keeping time so I called them. I spoke to some man with a foreign accent who was UNFORGIVABLY RUDE and CLEARLY couldn't give less of a crap about me or my business...I vowed to NEVER buy another thing from this place!! It's a shame because the African-American gentleman there was always a pleasure to deal with BUT could never seem to fix this clock in OVER A YEAR!! Enough is enough and my time is worth more than wasting it driving 15 miles each way over and over again for the same problem that was NEVER fixed. Basically, I ended up with a pretty clock that's useless.