Hey future Then and Now clients...these guys and girls are awesome at what they do! I have a 2000 Lincoln LS (almost a classic ahah but clean) and she's gone through some close calls but ends up pullin through running/looking flawless. First mis-hap the car's tempature gauges went HOT and the car locked up and emergency shutdown occured. Started it up idled for a few mins...engine ran fine then acted up again took it to the 1st place and they quoted me 3 different times each more expensive said a few different things [temperture gauge, a/c compressoir then not, and heres the kicker a cracked intake manifold and had to ship parts in from Dallas...$2500???...so I called Then and Now...they checked the engine, ran pressure tests, and electrionics check...turns out it was a small hose connected to the radiator was old and kinked (i almost got hustled) it was replaced and out the door for pennies...and shes good as new. Then just recently my neighbor backed out of her drive way and smashed my driver sidedoor. It was bad...and serval days later got her back and couln't even tell anything happened...I know them by first name now...hahah but their great and friendly people who know their cars. THANKS GUYS!!! I'll be bring her in for some new brakes...get ready!