| - Let me begin by saying Dr. Abdoulin definitely tried and worked very hard on my case, and for that I commend him, but he began the process of extracting my wisdom tooth and could not finish the job. After all the x-rays his assistant took and our discussion prior to him beginning the procedure, I still struggle to understand how he didn't know the shape and size of my tooth was too big for his tools, and therefore he wouldn't be able to finish the procedure. This part doesn't sit right with me.
Also, he did not numb me in all the necessary places after I explained to him I'm sensitive to certain kinds of pain. I was awake for the whole procedure and I must say, I'd never been in that kind of agony. Even five to six numbing injections later! It all would have been worth it had he gotten the tooth out, but no, I then had to go 24 hours with an exposed wisdom tooth, bleeding gums, and a bruised mouth until another dentist could remove it.
I'm sure Dr. Abdoulin is a fine dentist, and runs a good practice-- but I wouldn't recommend anyone having wisdom teeth removed here. Cleanings, whitenings, maybe a filling or two, but not wisdom teeth.