| - This Place Is A Scam If You Are Just A Regular consumer. Before you join this very expensive discount club, make sure you know exactly what you are getting into. Works only if you are planning on putting like $30,000 in renovations to your kitchen or bathroom. The travel program is only good for cruises or all inclusive resort stays. BUT only if you are willing to waste $$$ to join a "club". Buyer beware THEY WILL TAKE YOUR MONEY!!!! and throw all normal policies of customer service out the door! Got fooled into signing up and paying the membership fee, went home and tried to see how we could in real life use their discounts, realized it was not going to work out, tried to cancel within their 3 day period. Drove all the way back there to get our membership cancelled. After being given the run around, by front office staff & salesperson Peter, was told only Tom (boss?!?) could approve my cancellation and that he was in a meeting and nobody knew when he was coming back. I said I would wait, 15 minutes later Jen (marketing pitch person) came out, made me explain everything in my situation, why we joined, why we want to cancel, and made me feel that she understands my situation. She said she would take care of things and she stepped away. She came back said she talked to Tom (oh all of a sudden Tom is back/available!!!) and that Jeremy (store manager?!?) would process my cancellation immediately and it would take 48-72hours for it to show back as a refund. Well, that was March 18th and today is March 25th. No evidence of any refund pending on our credit card, no return phone call from anyone at DirectBuy, looks like all false promises and LIES! How can people live with themselves knowing they are ROBBING hard working people from their hard earned money!