I spent several days at the Rio attending the Star Trek convention. I did not stay there (I'm a local), but did use many of their facilities and interacted with their staff:
1. The urinals in the mens room in the convention center all broke and were not fixed during the convention. This was a real pain considering that there were about 4000 people attending.
2. One of the security folks was horrible to the guests. There was a display that could only handle a few people at a time so security was required for crowd control. But past this display were a few others that did not need crowd control. The security person completely lost her sh*t when people who were heading to the other exhibits refused to get into the line for the special exhibit. She couldn't get it through her thick skull that there were other exhibits and that the people who paid A LOT of money to attend the con didn't need to get in line and definitely didn't need to be treated like crap by this TSA reject.
3. All the food choices are way over priced. Smashburger was the most reasonable.
4. I heard many con attendees complaining about water getting into their rooms during a rain shower we had. Hey Rio, there's a new invention out there called caulk. Try it sometime.
All in all if I didn't live here in Vegas and wanted to attend the con I'd stay in the Gold Coast.