We started going there March 2017 when my daughter was 18 months and right before my son was born. I liked Dr. Hickey a lot but we only saw him once. When my son was born we found that he has severe GERD and I was told they would get me a referral to a GI Dr. well that never happened so I did it on my own and got him going with his GI Dr. every Appt I was made to feel like a failure when my son was underweight...Well obviously he is he throws up everything that goes in. After his 6 month Appt when the blonde female dr made a snarky remark about how I'm starving my son at night (even though I told her how the GI Dr is having me feed him) I was done and I left. I've never been so offended in my life!
Not only did this happen but they NEVER had shots for commercial patients. At 6 months my son had only had his 2 month shots and 1 of his 4 month shots.
The billing staff is incompetent and tried charging me saying my insurance "denied" the claim. I called my insurance on 3 different occasions and were told they never received a bill. I'd follow up with billing and again he told they got a denial. Now I worked in medical billing for 10 years so I asked for copies of the denials to fight with my insurance and suddenly the story changed bc they didn't have any denials. I was then told it was a clearinghouse issue. So you changed systems and the clearinghouse wasn't pushing claims through so instead of sending them paper you tried to bill me for them...You picked the wrong mama!
I could go on but this review is long enough! I'm so thankful I have changed pediatricians for my kids. The experience is completely different and I no longer spend every Appt crying and feeling like a terrible parent when I'm doing all I can to help my son get past his GERD.