The place is very well stocked, unlike a lot of other PetSmarts (i.e.: the one located on Castlemore was a bit of a disappointment). The brands range from low grade foods (i.e.: Pedigree/Purina/Pro-Plan) to those of higher grade (Royal Canin, Science Diet, etc.). There is also a Pet Hotel and Grooming location there - neither of the places do I have personal experience with so I cannot write a review about that section (except for the down). This location also features a Cat Adoption, which is nice because there are way too many kitties without homes :(.
There's a huge clothing variety as well, which is always nice!!! There are always sales going on so after Christmas, I bought a bunch of sweaters for my other dog (because she refuses to wear a jacket due to its bulk...#firstworlddogproblems).
What I was a little weirded out by was the high volume of dogs in one small space at the daycare. I'm very glad that PetSmart has an open concept window where you can see the dogs frolic and play during the day. However, I just think that it's a super small amount of space for 20/30 dogs to be in. My dog's daycare has up to 60 dogs at one time...but they are in a 6800 square feet location. I just think small space with a high volume of dogs leads to increased risk of transmission of contagious diseases. I realize that all dogs need to be vaccinated and such but the high density just sets me off a bit.