| - The owner is insane! He was tough to communicate with so I yelped him and saw all these horrible things about what kind of person he was so I wrote him and told him I found him difficult to communicate with and I won't be using his services, yes I told him how I felt about his lack of professionalism but it was just to HIM. I wasn't a big effing baby about it posting it all over social media! I had no plans to Yelp him and I privately messages him but he decided to make it a public forum. He did the unthinkable and posted the picture of my c section scar I sent him! Not that it bothered me, it's just a c section scar, lots of women have them and I'm 100% confident with showing off how I had my babies, but wow. I cannot believe someone could be so crazy, someone I haven't even met! I will be taking my business elsewhere and after reading all that's been said about this guy and seeing what kind of person he is I would advise NO ONE go to this psychopath! There are way too many other normal people that do great work to have to deal with this shat. STAY AWAY, listen to the reviews, he's a nut job! To address his comment about how I shouldn't of sent him a message to his personal page? I was a new potential client, didn't know he had another one. Oh and there's the fact that he TOLD me to send him one! To me, he was just an unattractive tattoo artist with some talent. Never once did I send him my scar picture thinking, ya this guys hot, I'm going to hit on him ( a married women) and send him my scar pic!
To all the women defending this POS, how would you feel if that was your body on social media being shamed? Even if I had posted a bad review about him ( which I had not and didn't plan on) this wouldn't be acceptable. You ladies that think this kind of bullying by men is ok have some major daddy issues. I had no intention of posting Chris and my conversation, I would never hurt someone's business like that, even if I wasn't fond of them. HE posted my picture then I started getting messages from people who thought I should know, Chris did this to himself. He didn't hurt me one bit, he DID hurt his business though as I wasn't even going to review him. Now all his followers on Facebook will see what kind of human he is and he has definitely lost business over this, smart move smart guy! Oh and by the way, I saw your police report and we are the same age grandpa.