Without question, a little known secret in Vegas for a fabulous breakfast! The M-F breakfast special has gone up in price over the years, but at $7.99 it is still worth it! Three eggs with your choice of bacon or sausage, potatoes, and bagel of your choice! The eggs are real, the bacon is thick and salty, the potatoes are freshly diced and scrambled to a nice crispness, and the bagels are made in house and a variety of around 15! It's in a old strip building a few blocks from The Strip and really only known by the locals. Over the 10 years I've been faithfully visiting Harries, it's a sketchy neighborhood with a couple of bookies sitting in the back! There's always a cop presence in the joint and if the bookies aren't entertaining enough, you'll occasionally see a crack head walk by the front! It all adds to the ambiance of a old Vegas deli joint that's stood the test of time and still has the characters visit that kinda framed what Vegas used to be in a time gone by! This southern gentleman will continue to visit in hopes to continue to see a Vegas of time gone by!