| - I worked for simple electric for year&half.
I wanna xpress my graditude toward the whole company. There is not one person there that doesn't work with heart.
Start with the man himself CEO, head director, jefe, AW the boss..
Very honest man, won't cheat you, will give you all the respect, will help you succeed..
Our supervisor.. He is the man you cry to.. When your in a bind, ask for help, or jus call to say good morning sir..
You want a supervisor on your side like him, very likeable.
The office ladies.. There are three...
1st office manager very smart lady, love her and lil hunter..
Second lady in command she came in to simple electric with a dedication to succeed and is a employee you want on your team..
Our third lady...she is willing to go a extra mile...very very good office.
We have a crew of fine technicians..
Mike he is alot younger then me but I wound call him for knowledge... Thank you mike for your service... We appreciate military hard workers..
Maurice.. Can't say enough about this man...
straight forward, but never will let you down, if he can help...he will..even if he is bald and quiet
Steven one of our youngest techs..
Smart, big, and sexy..
I give this company five stars....
Because can not go wrong with simple electric..
They will help you in any way they can..
A business you can count on...