I called Field services a couple days ago to ask about getting some vintage bass speakers repaired. Was met with a lot of attitude from Matt. Was first told "we don't work on consumer grade speakers (these aren't). Next was assured that the Cerwin Vega speakers in my Traynor cabinet were not original (they are) and Traynor never used Cerwin Vega speakers (they absolutely did - Matt, if you see this, please refer to the following history of Traynor/Yorkville from their website - http://yorkville.com/downloads/other/yorkvillehistory.pdf - pay particular attention to the mention of the cabinet YCV-215, which is what I have)
The one helpful thing he did was refer me to a company called Sundance Speaker Repair who were very friendly and are getting my business.
It's one thing to be wrong about something, I'm wrong about things sometimes too. It's another thing altogether to be an a-hole about it. That's not the way you gain customers.