The telephone dispatcher at Green Locksmith AZ (480-522-6265) quoted $130 for a new electronic car key replacement (with key programming) and a $25 trip charge to total $155. The locksmith who arrived 30 minutes late for the appointment stated he would charge $50 less than the dealership price. He then produced an invoice in the amount of $300 for a new electronic key plus a $25 trip charge. With the locksmith listening, I called the car dealer who quoted $54 for a new electronic car key and $130 to program the key for a total of $184.The locksmith argued that he would not give me the $50 discount which he originally offered because the dealerships are "breaking the market". I told him that I would not pay more than the original quote of $130. He then attempted to extort a $25 trip charge from me. No service was rendered and I had not agreed to pay a trip fee. He insisted repeatedly that I must pay a $25 trip fee. I requested him to leave my property but he refused to leave without payment. I instructed him that I would not pay a fee for non-service and told him that he is trespassing. While leaving he said: "Good luck staying alive", which I consider a threat.