Horrible. Unskilled labors doing the cutting. They aren't trained at all except to crew cut all shrubs. Makes no sense, 65k yearly budget. For some reason doesn't know the difference between a healthy shrub and a diseased one. They don't sanitize their tools with a clippercide spray so they transfer the lead spot mold spores or mildew sporesto the next and the next on and on. A licensed arborist needs to be holding these laborers hands. I am pretty sure a monkey or a toddler could do a better job. Called and spoke to sherry... she was no help. She said there was nothing wrong with the shrubs on property. I beg to differ.....
Thanks for all your help, SHERRY!
Since this post I have finally seen 1 truck from Bilmar coming in to treat the infected shrubs and trees. I'll post new photos once everything has been treated.