| - I really could do without more people at my gym, but what the hell...
I've used my fair share of gyms around the world and Toronto (Equinox, Gold's, Club One, Extreme, Kingwest, 99 Sudbury, etc.) and I have to say I find TYC pretty top notch.
Yeah, it's not cheap, but you can find a pretty decent deal for what you get - considering all classes are free, including yoga and pilates. I don't even do classes regularly and find it to be good value.
What I like:
1) Unlike some of the reviewers and my experience at other gyms, I've never felt like I was being sold or pushed anything. I've actually gotten advice and short sessions from trainers for free, without even a mention of buying follow-on sessions
2) I usually show up fairly late in the evening and love the emptiness mentioned in the other review. I basically see some subset of the same 10 people there any given evening, but if you want to socialize rather than work out just show up at 6pm, the place is full of good looking people
3) Equipment is new, fully stocked, clean, and always in working condition
4) Every staff member I've interacted with has been excellent - courteous and helpful. Like I said I don't go to the gym to socialize, but the members I've bumped into have generally been nice enough
5) Gym, locker room, and showers, kept surprisingly clean
6) Free underground parking is key; especially in the winter when you can tend to get too lazy to face the cold, and you can stop by whole foods on your way back to your car
I don't think I'll be switching gyms anytime soon but if I had to, the only other one I'd consider is 99 Sudbury; new and still working out some kinks, but lots of potential