Since Verizon is now seeking confirmation of employee discount; I went in 6/11 to verify our new employer and insure that my discount would continue. Agent was not helpful. He didn't seem like he wanted to deal with our issue. He claimed we needed two pieces of documentation before he could enter our discount. He wanted a pay stub and a picture ID. As we are contract employees that have our pay direct deposited; we didn't have either and had to leave without fixing this problem. We only had 2 days to get this issue taken care of prior to our next billing cycle. The agent said we shouldn't worry since we had plenty of time. I disagreed and was disappointed we couldn't get this taken care of when we were there. A different agent said we could get this put in now temporarily and then verify later. The agent we were talking to would not do this. Just very poor customer service on his part. He needs to be trained to provide better customer service to long term loyal customers. We have been a Verizon customer for over eight years and recently increased our plan to include data with a 2 year commitment.