| - I've got no shame. I love shopping the $1 Store for general purpose things. Canned veggies, spices for cooking, the occasional emergency run for TP, even a replacement for the other cheap screwdriver that mysterious disappeared in the house can all be found at discount prices. Being the thrifty person I am, I can safely say with all humbleness that I don't mind being able to stock my pantry for the month for under $50.
But being okay with this sort of thing comes with some responsibility. You have to realize that every impoverished family shops here, too. Every drug using, alcoholic, compulsive gambling deadbeat shops here, too. The homeless can manipulate a their panhandling earnings for a can of pork and beans, some bread, chips, and still have money to get a tall-boy at the liquor store down the block. Add to the situation that this store is also strategically placed a few blocks from UNLV and you can assure it's going to be a busy place.
But at the price of $.99 per item (ranging from DVDs to kitchen tools), it makes this place a true bargain to shop despite all the inconveniences of the crowd. I can stock my pantry for the month, pick up snacks, get some garbage bags, get loaves of bread, and even some plastic to store it all in for well under $50. Like many stores of its kind, this place usually sells the overstock or closeout items from other places. I purchased some shaving cream and noticed a lose corner of the label. When I pulled the label off, it turned out to be the exact same generic brand that I would buy at Wal-Mart (Equate) for a couple dollars more! For music collectors, give the CD section a solid run through. I've found a handful of hidden gems for $.99.
As for the quality of the food, you can't go wrong with the canned goods. The produce can be hit and miss. Don't buy produce unless you plan on using it right away. Also, don't mess with the dairy products. The sliced cheese is about the only thing worthy in this department. Like the produce, these things are close to expiration. But the big win is the bread. You can get an assortment of different kinds of bread, bagels, and muffins for under a buck!
The only major thing that makes me not want to go there is the fact that there are never enough checkers up front. Seriously. Not once have I gone there and there not been a line of people waiting for one of three apathetic cashiers. The worst part of this experience is waiting behind some mother with a handful of kids all screaming. Then the woman realizes of the basket full of $.99 items, she missed something. So she puts the 10 year old in charge to watch her place in line while she continues to shop. Somebody never heard the saying, "Move your feet, loose your seat."
This store, despite its flaws, is a great bargain and I never have a problem finding the things I need.
Three Stars based on:
Economic value
Being well stocked
Would have rendered Four Stars if:
More Cashiers up front!