If you're reading this there's hope... this is a great place to bypass the usual human annoyances that occur in walk-ins. Its cheap the staff is friendly and it's a great place for the whole family.That being said, there are always exceptions because people either don't know or don't care about how not to be the exception. Just in case you care or are interested in how people may ruin the experience.
1. Turn off your lights and engines! Its really rude! Its hot in Vegas and nobody wants to be parked next to a loud and hot engine. Sometimes your lights come on and you dont realize it, understandable, but check and make sure they're off please.
2. Arrive early or stay in the back where you can't see anything. Dont try to find a spot 20 minutes into the movie. There are no good spots left.
3. Don't smoke with your windows down or just quit for 2 hours. Nobody wants to smell your smoke or fail a drug test. Thanks!
3. Control your kids! If they're running around playing while people are trying to find a place to park or when the movie is over. Be a responsible parent.
4. Pack up early! If you want to recreate your living room with the air mattress and all thats fine as long as you check your watch and think..."hmmm the movie is almost over maybe I should start packing up my living room so people can get out and don't have to wait for me." Thanks!
5. Laser pointers....just don't
If you follow those simple courtesy tips I just want to say thank you.