First, let me just say that I hate clubs. I had a really bad experience at a club when I was younger and have hated them ever since. That being said, lets get on to the review.
The design of the place is really cool...especially when its 12AM and you're hammered. But seriously, the place is very well designed... except for having to go downstairs to make it to the bathroom. Drunk people who need to use the restroom shouldnt be made to trek down stairs... eventhough there are only 3 or 4 stairs. That could be a lawsuit waiting to happen. The cover fees are just ridiculous.... then you have to pay for drinks. Absurd. Everyone in the place is glammed up like they're meeting Jay Z and Beyonce for dinner. Its so stupid. I just don't get the whole club scene. The attitude was pretty unpretentious for a Vegas dance club. It still doesnt change my opinion of clubs in general.
The dance floor was packed. You couldn't move and people were spilling drinks everywhere. The rest of the floor and sitting areas were also jammed packed. Is someone at the door doing a head count? Its like they just kept letting people in. Can you imagine if there was a fire? People would die. Seriously.
This is why I stick to tiny dive bars. Im much happier and more comfortable there.