| - This week, I took my son to see the "Chipmunks Squeakquel" (or whatever it's called). We've been here several times before, since it is in the University City area near where we live.
There is plenty of parking. Lines for tickets are usually long, and uncomfortable in the cold, blowing wind of December, or the humid summer heat, for that matter. (Why can't they put the ticket counters on the INSIDES of theaters? This is one tradition that should be broken soon!) Matinee tickets for the two of us were $13.50.
The theater itself is in good shape. Movies are usually in focus, and the sound is usually okay, with some distortion, but not great. (Frankly, DVDs sound better in my living room.)
BUT: Concessions are a complete rip-off. I usually know this, but Jay talked me into it. We got a medium (huge!) popcorn, two "small" bladder-busting drinks, and a box of Twizzlers. Twenty friggin' bucks! I'm sure the DVD wouldn't cost $33.50 to buy, and we could watch it over and over. (I doubt we'll be buying it... the movie is grade B entertainment. Funny once, but pretty stupid to watch as a rerun.)
The restroom had no paper towels, and the trash cans were overflowing. A smell of stale vomit permeated the area by the sinks.
For a family, I think money spent on a large LCD TV and a home theater in a box sound system is a wise investment. Rent movies from Red Box or Netflix, or hook up an Apple TV or something similar, and you have a better "movie-NOT-going" experience.
I can make much better (and less expensive!) popcorn, and the adults and I can have a beer. AND, I can pause the movie for those all-important, "Let's all go to the lobby" breaks.
Every time I go to the theater to see a flick on the big screen, I'm more and more disappointed by the experience. I guess a lot of others feel the same way, since the theater we were in was nearly empty.
It's a pity; you would think they would set the prices low enough to ensure all the seats are filled at most screenings. If they used some basic Economics 101 theory in their marketing model, and made a little on each of a lot of people, the total revenue would be maximized, and everyone would win. But as it is, they're losing more and more of us to the home theater market for 90+% of our movie-viewing dollars.