My daughter and I came just before Christmas last year 2017. I bought 2 love birds and my daughter bought two rats. 2 1/2 weeks after settling in, one rat died. It was a horrible death, poor thing gasped for breath until it died. The second rat got a runny nose two weeks later and I took it to the vet. Went through 10 days antibiotics, three days later she started tilting her head, next ear infection and another round of antibiotics. Now she has discharge from her eye and it is stuck shut several times a day. Good God! Tragically today I came home to find one of my love birds dead at the bottom of the cage and they other frantically chirping. Something is seriously wrong here! 2 out of 4 dead and one constantly sick. Please consider carefully before purchasing pets at this store. I am just heartbroken and will be updating this review should any more tragedy come the remaining two animals
UPDATE: Maria the owner had the audacity to accuse me of ill treatment of the animals that died Honestly, find yourself an animal breeder for whatever your choice of pet! You will spend a bit more, but save in the long run either on medicine (not having to administer it) or heartbreak for you and especially your children! I guess I can understand the 10 day death policy, this store would go bankrupt with a longer time frame and my guess is they KNOW that!