I came into the ER with upper left abdominal pain. The nursing staff was great! Very attentive. The ER doctor was also great. He was friendly and explained my lab results to me. He told me that I needed to be admitted based on the labs and the cat scan. He also ordered an ultrasound.
Fast forward to the next morning. A different doctor walks into my room tells me that he isn't sure why I was admitted. My cat scan was fine. My blood work was fine. He didn't understand why I had an ultrasound. He told me there was no need for me to have been admitted and he sent me home. I am still having the same pain and I have no idea where to go for help. He wasn't rude but he made it clear that he felt the ER doctor was not a good doctor and that he didn't care at all to help me understand what is happening with me.
I am waiting for a reply from the customer service department.
Also the cost for my stay is $16,000.00! My friend had surgery and a 5 night stay with a banner hospital and her bill was $19,000.00.