I have really enjoyed my experience at Choice, and I would recommend it to anyone. Choice is a tool - not a cult or a marketing scheme or a spiritual movement - to help identify what limits you in what you would like to accomplish in your life and how to become more effective in order to have the results you want.
A central tenet is that better relationships and connections with people in all sections of your life will make your life richer. It's not rocket science, it's just common sense.
To be clear, no participants receive compensation of any kind to sign up people. The posters who gave it a poor rating and did not attend Choice seem to be most against being called by someone close to them to attend. Though I can understand that, having friends share the experience is really the only way that makes sense to get the word out because much of the program requires trust. Other similar programs have large groups of corporate sponsors who send their whole teams. For example, I am encouraging my entire family to go because I know it would improve our communication and bring us even closer.
So if someone you know calls you and tells you that he or she thinks you should consider Choice Center, instead of writing a review on Yelp, I would recommend two things...
1) Check out Brene Brown's TED Talk on Vulnerability (she has nothing to do with Choice Center, but her research is great evidence of why this type of training exists) and
2) Say to that person who called you: "Wow, thank you so much for wanting a deeper connection with me. Tell me about your experience and how you are doing."