| - I hate to give this place only two stars, because every service I've ever had done there, aside from one shellac mani, has been wonderful. I've continued to return for hair cuts and highlights and have had several manis and pedis there as a part of different bridal parties. I've attended their "birthday party" open houses and have even recommended to a friend who was getting married and several of us from her bridal party went in for multiple services the day before her wedding.
The reason behind the two stars is the business ethics - or lack there of! I've had a handful of bad experiences, and after my next scheduled appointment (because I don't want to cancel on my stylist and I like how she does my hair) I will no longer be returning to Q's.
Once I had received a coupon in my email for a free haircut with any color...I got a partial highlight with two colors, and a cut, went to checkout and was told that because I wasn't a new customer they couldn't give me that coupon. No where on the coupon, at that time, did it state that I had to be a first time on every single one they send out it's stated right below the special. I told them that they should acknowledge the coupon because it was their mistake, but Q couldn't understand what I was trying to say and offered me 10% off instead. 10% off was about $11...vs the $35 I spent on the haircut...hmm...
The final straw comes with my next and last appointment. In May when I visited with the bridal party Q told me to make sure I wrote my email address down because she wanted to offer me a special for the next time I was in for my hair as a thank you for bringing in so many people for services and exposing her business. Great, that's so nice! Well. I scheduled my appointment online and left a note about this asking she or Phil to call me to discuss so I would know what to expect when I went to checkout. I hate going to the register and being surprised by a HUGE, unexpected bill because there's nothing to do at that point but pay it. I didn't get a phone call, so I took it upon myself to call. I did, left a voice mail asking about it so that I could budget - we're talking about a difference of $75 vs $130+ which is a big deal to me. I get a call back and on my voicemail am again told that if I'm a first time customer I will get a free haircut with any color...great but um..I've been there at least 6 times...
I called back, leaving another message, this time with full details, making sure to use terms like "honor your word" and "brought in several girls for multiple services, you offered me a special as a thank you"...I immediately got a call back and had the chance to talk with Q - OH! she had forgotten that she'd marked a $15 off offer on my sheet. Okay great! So then I ask if I can use the $15 off, with the 10% off that I (and everyone else in their mailing list) received in my email. I was told that I couldn't do both together. Well, that stinks, especially because the services I get done actually leave the 10% off as a better deal than the $15 off she gave me as a thank you. Since I can't use them together I was told to "use the 10% off for this trip and then save the $15 for my next"...basically her way to get me in the door again...that's not going to happen.
If you want to thank someone, THANK them, give them a special that is actually a special, and stick to your word. I've had too many conversations that just go around and around and leave me confused and angry that I just give in, pay the money and leave...that's no way to feel after a day at the spa/salon. No thank you. I'll let my stylist know that I won't be returning so that if she leaves, like so many others, she can let me know what salon she ends up at.