The service blows. Their policies on returns are crooked at best. And they are always trying to up-sell you something you don't need or will negate the manufacturers warranty as I recently found out when I paid top dollar (cash) for my HTC EVO. The salesman told me it was a good idea to buy the extended battery for this phone and turns out it was the problem that caused my phone to crash and have a complete software meltdown not once but twice since May 3, 2011. My cousin had the same problem and was getting no where with Sprint and contacted HTC and they stated that the extended battery wasn't standard for their phones and not covered by the warranty and should be removed. I informed Sprint and they claim HTC authorized them to sell this battery on their behalf and I said then why does it say Sprint and not HTC? No answer. Then I also posed the question as to why my Sprint HotSpot gets interrupted when I was told by the salesman all calls and text would be blocked. The manager tells me it only works if the 4G NETWORK is engaged. I was told it works no matter what! Also another lie! I told her I can barely get 4G to work and she said it isn't available everywhere. I said you advertise it is. That is why I bought the stupid phone and service this way and your salesman assured me this was the best way to consolidate services. I hate being lied to! They wouldn't give me my money back but gave me a bill credit. Not acceptable considering all the trouble and time wastes going back and forth to the Sprint store to get a working phone and resolution. You wait for hours only to be dealt with like you are the stupid one and insulted over and over again. I told the manager I have a big mouth and I would Yelp, Tweet, Facebook, and just shout to the roof tops about what a joke Sprint is and then save enough money to switch to AT&T or somebody until they piss me off and I have to switch again or just go back to a good old fashioned land line!