Nice receptionist. Downhill from there....
Had the anesthesiologist called me the night before THE WAY HE WAS SUPPOSED TO then perhaps he would have had the CORRECT medications on hand for the day of my procedure! I have had numerous surgeries and know I need anti nausea medication during AND AFTER! It is a simple patch that goes behind one's ear. This doctor didn't have any! I dry heaved from the moment I woke up all the way home.
The gal who put the IV in my hand did such a crappy job... My hand hurt in the resting position! The black and blue mark is the largest I have ever sustained from an IV! ( lunch had just been delivered and the nurses were so excited to be relieved of their posts)
And to the idiots who moved me from the operating table to the recovery chair... Bruts! I can not lift my left arm nor lean on it while sleeping because it is so sore! It feels like a strong man punched me in the arm!
When I filled out my peliminary paperwork online I submitted both phone numbers so I could be called PRIOR to surgical procedure. Nothing but pure negligence on the part of this anesthiasist department.
The nurse did offer to put another IV in my other hand but the way she said it scared the crap out of me! "You know I'll have to prick you again!!"
Um... No thank you!
And, since my surgery was delayed, it would have been nice if the nurses told me that my chair reclined! Again, lunch was on their brains!
Moral to the story: don't wait for these clowns to call you. You call them and make sure they have the proper medicine in he building! Make sure you tell them to not MAN HANDLE you while unconscious. And ask for a second nurse to administer the IV if the first one is a butcher.
It's a shame my surgeon rents out space in this facility. I hope to NEVER go here again!