This place is my newest addiction. Decided to stop in while nearby bc a friend mentioned it was good, and of course yelp. Definitely not disappointed. In fact, impressed (considering all the 5 star reviews I sort of expected a bit of a let down bc...yelp lol). Not only did Eric (we're not friends but I like to pretend we are) deliver the greatest popcorn ever, it was of the highest quality. No kernels or hull getting stuck in my teeth, which is super, super huge for someone with sensitive teeth, but I can't lie, would eat this popcorn anyways bc the pain would be totally worth it for the flavors which are a true pleasure to enjoy. Today we tried 3 flavors and bought a small bag of each. We got the cinnamon bun, coconut caramel something (I forgot the real name but I ate it all), and black raspberry cream. Should've gotten larger bags bc they're almost all gone and I'm eating it still as I type this review bc I have issues when it comes to stopping myself from eating this popcorn. Eric, you're the man. Sabres for the cup!!! I'll be back tomorrow for more! Amazing experience. Ok stop reading this ridiculously long review and just go there!!