So for the past eight months I have been a loyal customer to Pony Express. Not because the ambiance or because they do an awesome job but because two people on the staff are so friendly, specifically Luanne. BUT the other day I went in because three pieces from my previous order been missing. The owner and this younger gentleman treated me like a criminal. They berated me, said I had already picked it up, told me to check my closet again and NEVER apologized once for being inconvenienced by this. They were frazzled, unprofessional, and worst off aggressive towards me. I later got a follow up call saying that I paid for it and to check my closet again.
It is sad that there are people (even the owner) that have such poor taste in customer service and can't handle the slightest of situations. I do not have the three pieces of clothing but I would rather lose those than ever step foot back into that place.