I will start off by saying this is actually my first time reviewing a business on Yelp, ever... but I continue to have bad experiences with this office even though they are not my primary dentist anymore, I just had to voice my perspective.
This office has a new doctor about every six months, it's pretty ridiculous. There is very little consistency in the staffing. The front office staff is nice, but completely inefficient when it comes to billing and working with insurance companies.
I've been to them two or three times... the last two times I have waited to be sure my insurance would cover my procedures before proceeding and each time the billing staff at SRFD reassured me everything was covered and that we could proceed with no added costs. It turns out both times they hadn't actually received a response from my insurance company and I had to pay out of pocket. I just received yet another bill with no explanation as to why I have an outstanding balance.
I definitely do not recommend taking the risk with Sarival Ranch Family Dental.