I remember when this Second Cup opened. I was in grad school at UofT and my now-fiance was working in the GTA and living back at home in Markham. So when I would come visit and we wanted to get out for a bit we'd always head out to this Second Cup.
First, a warning: the parking lot sucks. People are making left turns with no light off McCowan, and the parking does not provide an adequate drive aisle on either side. I've seen a couple of fender benders (mild, but still) here. Instead of parking right in front of the Second Cup, park a little further in and your bumper will thank you. Trust me, no one can drive here.
I came back to visit over Christmas and the staff was super-friendly as always. The Candy Cane hot chocolate is delicious - the reason why I go here. Starbucks can learn something - minty wintery hot cocoa does not need to taste bitter. Using a white hot chocolate base, this is creamy with a hint of mint.
The prices are, well, high... but so is every other major coffee chain (minus Timmy's) and the quality is better than Timothy's or Starbucks. The place is clean and there's a mix of armchairs, hardback chairs and half-booth banquets.
If you don't want whipped cream on your drink, mention it but also watch over the staff... J has ordered many a mocha sans cream and has rarely gotten it that way.