Have to qualify these comments [because my last two 'zas were a double-buffalo mozzarella at Da Micheles in Naples (tasted like BUTTER), and a prosciutto & funghi on Iesolo Lido that was like melting, exploding heaven] but the crust was a bit too puffy and bland (it was 430pm so maybe the oven wasn't zesty hot yet), the prosciutto was like the thin slabs in packets at Woodmans, the sauce had a strong tin-can tang (is the tomato paste opened and then refrigerated in the can?), and the miserly buffalo mozz (imported from Italy) on the 'regina' (might local be better?) got lost in the mix. $16 bucks for something scrimpy like that, without real freshness nor sizzling panache, doesn''t make sense. Though it's cheaper than a ticket to Naples. Nice looking oven though, and GREAT service.