| - LOVE YOUR PET? This is where they should be treated.
Excellent Veterinarians, Interns, Assistants, and Clerical Staff. They also have another location:
10397 W. Pleasant Valley Dr.
Cleveland 440-842-0303
Began coming here over 30 years ago when I lived nearby. Moved about 10 miles away about 20 years ago, and continue coming here. NEVER considered any of the several much closer to my home. They really DO like animals. Under their care, my dogs lived long, healthy lives. One is still with me, and she's still a very youthful and vibrant senior citizen.
Love you ! Dr. Clark, Dr. Schroth, Judy, Pat, Tracy, and all the others.
* * * *
And for those who've lost a pet,
maybe this will give you some comfort.
Near the edge of Heaven there's a very special and beautiful place. Both are connected to each other by an arched and colorful bridge. It is called the
Rainbow Bridge. Some believe it's because of its many colors, while others believe it's an actual rainbow.
This extraordinary place is one of clear, shimmery lakes and streams, fragrant flower-filled meadows, velvety hills and valleys, and lush, green grass. When a beloved pet dies, it awakens in this wonderful land. There's plentiful food, cool refreshing water to drink, and perfect sun-filled Spring-like weather.
The old, sick, and frail are made young, healthy, and strong. Those that were deformed or maimed are made whole. They spend their days playing with each other.
There is only one thing missing.
They are not with their special person who loved them on earth. Even though they sense this absence, they run and play happily together...until the moment when one suddenly stops playing and looks up.
The nose sniffs the air. The ears twitch. The eyes are staring. Then this one quickly runs from the group.
You have been seen.
When you both meet, you take this beloved pet into your arms. Your face is kissed again and again, and you look into the eyes of this very special friend that had been waiting just for you.
Together, you cross over the Rainbow Bridge into Heaven...never again to be separated.
(My re-telling of anonymously authored Rainbow Bridge.)