This place is a den of douchebaggery...idiotic cop-wannabee security guards, poor service and stupid games with their shows.
Went to a show last night and some douchebag security guard tells me no video or photography. Really douchebag? There were like 200 people videoing and taking photos. There's a sign on the door that says you are being videoed and by entering, you agree to them using your likeness. Whatever...
Next, they don't tell you what time the show starts. What they do say is doors open at 830pm, but when you get their at 830, you can't buy tickets because the lazy ass cashier hasn't got her ass to work yet. So, they tell you to wait in the bar. But the bar is so crowded that you are wedged out if it, only to be told by douchebag security that you can't stand outside the bar.
So you get there at 830 pm but the show doesn't start until 10pm so you are standing around in a hot crowded room waiting and waiting while the band is checking email on their phones. What a joke!
This place is retarded. I'll never be back.