When average five star food with three star service, you get a four star review. We recently went to OP for a family occasion. There is no question that the food was top notch. That said, when the chef (and the waiter) forgot about a French onion soup that left under the broiler to the point of morphing into an inedible crisp, followed by nearly 20 minutes to bring the coffee was ordered for dessert, and lastly, an inability to find our waiter for so long to give him our credit card that we flagged down a waiter from another section, the service had a more lasting memory than the food. Perhaps it was an issue of being understaffed, but the reality is that at this price point, sub par service is not acceptable and is something that will cause me to patronize the abundance of OP's competitors that are in the same genre. To sum it up, the food was well done, but the service was medium rare at best.