| - Here's my biggest issue with Lannick, and really with employment agencies like Robert Half, Kelly Services and many others. They don't give a shit about you, you're just a commodity to them to be bought and sold on the open market, like some sort of prostitute, this is evident in how they come off. Except the current standard of expiring work contracts, and lengthy clauses ensures no climax, no happy ending, for you at-least.
The problem also lays with the current system in the world. Companies want you to have all this experience and credentials and then pay you only a marginal increase from what you currently make. They want you to work long hours, crunching numbers, or cracking keyboards with endless code. And you had better be great-full for the "tremendous" opportunity you've been given...
The education system is also to blame as it grooms you into essentially being a tool your whole life. The education system and curriculum, were developed in large part by the government and the big companies you dream of working for. You are taught to obey and covet their metric of personal value and strive toward their defined ideal of "fulfillment".
You are forced to constantly memorize, critical thinking is punished or looked down upon as some sort of outlier. You have to conform to what's fashionable or politically correct. Limiting your spacial understanding of the infinite and ever pushing you to the finite, aspiring for things like a manager position with medical/dental benefits.
Yes because truly what is a pillar of a community without esteemed benefits, a pompous middle management title. I mean like what other possible alternative do you have for financial freedom and independence? And most abhorring of course, what would your social media friends and family think of you without such an important role and only partial dental benefits!!? Can you even imagine a such a world? The horror. Surely that would give Joseph Conrad a run for his money.
My advice to young ambitious professionals, you will quickly understand that it is better to work for yourself and not be used like a tool. Muster all your skill and resources and attempt it! Slowly but surely carve out your niche.
With Lannick, it usually starts with an impersonal call or email from one of their reps/new associates. They found your profile they think your great for a role and get your hopes up or down depending on the quality of the role they offer. The conversation then quickly takes an uncomfortable turn as they prod and ask all sorts of personal questions.
How much do you make? How much are you looking to make? What is your credit score?
Excuse me but who are you? I find that extremely rude and intrusive when I don't even know the person on the other line with this "potential" role. My siblings don't even ask me those kinds of questions .
The worst part is the times you do follow up with this alleged position, it has been filled by one of the other 6-10 candidates they considered and didn't mention. I feel like saying to them 'don't waste my fucking time, it is valuable!' Contact people only with true and honest intent and not because of your fucking quota cause I don't give a shit about your stupid quota!
And say for the small minute possibility that they aren't just leading you on or the employer hasn't posted fake jobs for higher credit ratings, or to keep their HR dept busy during a downturn. Just imagine you do make it past all the Lanick bullshit you're still looking at a background check, 3 interviews and atleast 3 references - note this can often carry on for months by the time you are confirmed as the chosen candidate. Like honestly in what world is that even reasonable and takes into account your situation? What a myriad of fuckery!
Lastly from personal experience with this agency I can say one of their reps whose name I will not disclose was extremely rude and condescending to me once during a Skype call/interview. It was actually the second interview I had ever done with them. I firmly believe everything you do in life good or bad has karma, how you treat and talk to others is one of them.