I have given Cody Clark several months to correct the problem yeah continues every single month for the last 6 months. At first my bill was $80 a month then it 2135 with month to you too papers I had to fill out. I went into the office filled out the papers now my bill is up to $200 in month is a last three months. I have the 22 year old car and a flawless driving record, why I am being continuously charge this enormous amount of money is beyond me. I have given him several opputunities to correct this problem. I am presently looking for another agent like will not over charge me enormous month fees. Unless Mr. Cody can correct the problem, I will no longer be his customer along with two other people that will be changing. Mr Cody Clark, please take a good look at all my paperwork and my flawles driving record. Also, take a look at I was in your office 3 times 2 resolve this problem and I got nowhere....STILL.