| - Pita Jungle used to be the spot, it was fresh on the scene and a great change of pace. Something completely different and possibly good for you. It was always the place you could bring a date to or even for a business lunch. It said "Hey only fatties go to The Olive Garden. I am a sophisticate. See my fine lady? See where I have taken you? This place is as original and hip as I am.".
Now something has happened. Pita Jungle still has the hip artwork, the ultra-hip non-conformist waitstaff, the great music, the semi-eclectic food, and the possibility of a really good experience. For some strange reason, it just has lost a lot of it's cool. Oh wait, I know. Maybe it is the herd of Douchtards (Douchetards, a Yelper Favorite.) that are compelled to take their little kids out to dinner at a place that is kid unfriendly and lacks a Chernobyl sized rat as a mascot. This place is so kid unfriendly that there is a lake within drowning distance. But does that stop the breeders from turning loose their herd in the restaurant? Nope. "Run free children. I will know you are safe because I will always be within ear shot of your constant screaming." (I shudder.). This was not an anomaly either. There were three different families there with three kids each. Wa-Wa-What? I don't bring my dates to Chuckie Cheese, so keep your rats out of Pita Jungle. Alright maybe I am being harsh, but if your kids cannot act like respectable human beings, maybe they are not ready for a respectable restaurant.
And another thing, I love the Grilled Vegetable Salad. It is my favorite thing on the menu. But alas, out of the last four times I have ordered it, only once has it lived up to it's delicious memory. Maybe I should try something else, but when I know how perfect something can be it is hard for me to give up hope so easily.
So to recap:
My favorite dish has been ruined.
Kids have made a playground of it.
Hipness has become tragically un-hip.