| - Barista pretend like they don't hear customers. They're chatting with each other, laughing, and refuse to make eye contact to acknowledge someone was trying to get their attention. One customer stood there and politely said, "Excuse me" 4 times before one of them finally looked at her. She was trying to get a drinks traveler. One of the baristas looked at her and walked away (female, skinny, 5'4", wrapped up hair). She said, "Excuse me" another 2 times before the male barista (5'10", heavy set, long braids) looked at her, even then, he didn't acknowledge her verbally, until she could ask for the green hot drink stopper.
I felt so bad for her since all the customers were staring at each other uncomfortably watching this transpire but no one wanted to get the bar upset when they're still waiting for a drink. As far as I saw, she ordered ahead of me with a nice tone of voice, said please and thank you. I'm not sure why the people behind the counter felt it was ok to mistreat a customer. The shop wasn't even that busy. (2 customers waiting for drinks, and 1 was at the cashier).
If the Store Manager or social media analyst reads this, I hope to see more training for this location's staff on customer service and it's not ok to try to humiliate someone (invisibility treatment) no matter what they thought was the cause. Maybe this is a hot location being close to a hospital and the outlet mall so service is not required to draw business. Still dissapointed to witness that just now.