I had a root canal done by Dr. Ellingston about 3 years about (that tooth still HURTS almost every single day). I remember when he was doing my root canal he was also still tending to several other patients at the same time. He kept going back and forth, and seemed like he was getting frustrated with my root canal because "my roots are all split, so instead of 4 roots, it became 8 roots" taking longer than expected, he was still running out to tend to other patients. When he would come back I would need more numbing. It was a couple hours or more in the chair. My jaw was very much in pain after all that. One month went by, still felt pain so I went in. He told me it was Normal. One year went by, he said the same thing. Two years, he still claims everything is fine. Every night before I go to bed, I have a dull pain right where that root canal was done. When I tap on that tooth, it hurts a bit. I am dreading to see a specialist for the tooth but the pain is getting unbearable. I believe Dr. Ellingston rushed my procedure even though he did admit it turned into double the work because of my split canals. He refuses to fix it and I will never recommend this office to anyone ever!!!