I went here with my mom and had a lot of fun! It was nice to see all of the nature in the world around us. We got to see all sorts of cool things like the Indian rocks. We got to see the beautiful lake and the trip was all round a good trip up until we got lost and had not one idea what the signs meant. Like what is a twig and berries mean or a nut or a leaf when you haven't been there?! We about a hour and a half in, on our lost journey, we gave up and tried to look up on my phone were in the dickens to go ,so I did and it was not helpful one bit it was terrible.
We ended up walking 8 MILES around and a round in a circle and up and down and everywhere until we found a lady and she told us where to go and we finally got there at a record time of 4 hours.
In conclusion, stay in the main paths and the signs aren't helpful.