I cannot eat diary or eggs due to a food allergy. It is a new lifestyle change and was starving before the movie we were going to see. I shouldn't have let myself get that hungry, but what can you do on a busy Easter morning. Moms tend to eat last. Being Easter Sunday many places were closed. Therefore, my hunger started to get the best of me.
I tried to look up the nutritional info on my phone to see what I could eat- my phone wouldn't load the page.
Therefore, I had to ask for the information. The management went above and beyond for my request. They couldn't find the binder the information was located in- they printed me some pages. I did not feel uncomfortable with my food restrictions. Some places I go, employees give weird looks as if they're saying "what you can't eat cheese?" The harkins management reassured me it was no big deal at all providing me with the information. I very much appreciated it and I did not need to go through the movie with such hunger!
On a side note, harkins as a company could include less sugar based food items and possibly food items that would include those of us with diet restrictions. It is 2016 after all. I believe the food culture is evolving and less processed food is the way to go.
Thank you again harkins management for going the extra mile and providing me with the nutrition information.