| - I took my 2 dogs in for a consultation. First thing you should know is that Lorenzo's is not only a dog training service, they are a dog trainer service. When we went there were plenty of trainers being trained by Lorenzo, I think. I do not remember the name of the person with whom I consulted. While handling my dogs, he put them in spiked choke collars, which is fine for some dogs, but not all. My aggressive larger dog handled it fine, even though the trainer aggressively snapped at his neck while trying to get him to walk behind him. My other dog who is smaller and is very timid, freaked the f*** out after her neck was snapped. The trainer did it so hard, she was lifted off the ground and fell over (their floors are shiny and slippery as well). She was terrified and shivering the rest of the time she was there. I have never seen her so happy to see the inside of my car when it was over. Also, while attempting to make my larger, more aggressive dog sit, he kept pushing down on the dogs behind to make him sit, even though my dog was having none of it. The trainer kept pushing and pushing to the point where I thought my dog was going to attack him. My dog was NOT going to sit down, period. The head trainer saw this and asked him "what's the dog trying to tell you", and then he stopped. He's pretty lucky, because I sincerely think if he continued that my dog would have bit him. I have since discussed my experience with several other trainers and a couple of veterinarians as well and they all say that Lorenzo's uses a "correction only" style of training which may work for some dogs, may make others more aggressive or more scared. Again, individual results may vary, but know what you're getting. According to vets and other trainers they use an outdated method of training which tends to cause more harm than good. After my initial visit with them, I decided on another trainer, who I am thrilled with and they use a more individualized, catered approach which is working wonders for my dogs. Incidentally, the trainer we are using costs less than half of the price that Lorenzo's wanted to charge me and he comes highly recommended from veterinarians and other trainers whom I have met.