I am writing this review to let people know what a rip off geico is. My Tahoe went up in flames and because it was to late in the day and the fire area in gieco closed at 4:30pm I was unable to get any help. I was told to call back tomorrow when that department was open. So now I have to go with no car until they open tomorrow and am unable to get to work. What's the point of having full coverage if I can't use it when I need it most? One of the biggest corporations in the world and the one department that I need they can't afford to pay someone to stay open, thanks geico for nothing. I will make sure to tell all my family and friends including all of the electrician union people to change insurance companies because this is just sad. You may save me money but what's the point of saving money if I can't get the help I need for the money I pay!!