This complex should seriously reconsider doing a name change. Instead of Deer Creek Village, it should be changed to "Roach" Creek Village. Unless, you want to welcome unwanted bugs residing with you, that don't help with paying the exorbitant monthly leasing costs! should seriously, reconsider renting from this complex Management is well aware of the infestation that they have; the Leading Manager-Annette knew of the ongoing problems the complex has after numerous times utilizing the Exterminating Company, that must have had something in their spray solution that attracts more roaches instead of exterminating them. We had our apartment fumigated more than half a dozen times and instead of fixing the problem, it created more of an issue with us having more and more roaches. When we let Annette know this was a problem that isn't getting any better she gave us 4 cans of roach fogger (like they were bottles of water) and told us we can fumigate our apartment on our own.
....So, if you do decide to rent from "Roach" Creek Village, prior to signing a lease with them you may want to ask them what the discounted rate is for their added little pets that will be there, prior to your moving in...because You WILL have an issue with being infested!!!