The URL for this place is and they use the name, "Antique Electronic Supply." They have tubes if you have any old television sets or hi fi systems. In British English "valves" equals US English "tubes".
I ordered some aerosol stuff. You spray the aerosol stuff on the outside of your old-school stereo, DVD player, and TV set to make your household look less domestically-challenged.
It would have been a five-star rating if the web site had been modern. You might say, "Criminy! It's Antique Electronic Supply. What part of antique did you not understand?" The web site does not show shipping costs. It also does not tell you that aerosols and liquids must go UPS Ground. The ideal would be to have a web presence more like Amazon's where the transaction was completely handled by automata and I got a total price. Instead, the web site showed the item cost and a staff member called me with the details, to include shipping, on the next business day.
They're businesslike. I got the aerosol can by UPS ground. Everybody's happy. I'll buy more from them in the future.