This is my first time at the Stephanie location but have been to the Eastern store a few times as well. After trying to give Cafe Rio a fair shake, I'm sad to say I'm not a fan.
The good thing is that both Henderson locations are consistent: loud and busy but service is efficient and food tastes the same at both places.
I'm just not into their meat being super soggy with cooking liquids dumped right into your aluminum container. Very disappointing to have your nachos turn into a soggy clump because of the liquids in the meat. I don't like the hot liquid wilting my salad either.
I do like that they actually have "salad lettuce" rather than just shredded "garnish lettuce". But it's not enough for me to give them another chance. Sorry Cafe Rio, I'll keep going to Chipotle even though their "salad" consists of thinly sliced lettuce.