I've been to the Mod Club a few times now. Here's a venue that isn't dripping with clubland douchebaggery nor is it a moldy hipster dive. It's a respectable bar and concert venue that caters to a mixed crowd. I like it.
The Diamond Rings / Twin Shadow concert was rad. I'm always excited when artists choose this over other (dreaded) mid-sized venues in the city. Thomas H's description of this place is apt. The sound quality is excellent and doesn't melt your insides with bass. Every view of the stage is great and because of this there is less "crushing" to the front of the hall, which means you can actually enjoy the show. No need to elbow anyone in the gut.
This place also does well as a bar. The bartenders here are swift, and the elongated bar ensures shallow queues. The beer selection is pretty blah, so I usually stick with mixed drinks here.
They have a coat check which is handy in the winter months, but the line up on the way out can be intense in their tiny lobby. Pull a Vivek and snake your coat before the encore. Smart.
See you soon, Mod Club.
Obligatory Title Pun: A CLUB for the MODern era.
Menu Readability: Whateves.
Need to mention: Their bathrooms are like a mile away. Make sure to tip the attendant.
What this place teaches me about myself: I wrote a novella about a bathroom attendant who learns how to travel through time, but can only stay in bathrooms, and ends up changing the course of the history all while handing out papertowels and spritzing men with cologne, but it turned out to be a dream. I mean the writing the novella part not the time travel. /drugs