My actual massage therapist was amazing. Unfortunately the front office neglected to communicate to me that they don't have a billing code for massage in order to properly bill my insurance.
Initially when I went to the front desk to check out the receptionist told me it would be $60. I asked if they had checked my insurance benefits because I knew I was covered for massage as long as it was at a chiropractic office. She took my card and came back literally seconds later telling me I don't have massage coverage. I asked if she had called my insurance company and she looked away but indicated that yes, she had called my insurance company. I was a bit surprised that she got through so quickly but I thought it would be best to double-check since I have used my massage benefits before on this plan. I called my insurance company myself and waited on hold for the usual time which was about 10 to 15 minutes. I spoke to someone in claims who explained that yes, I do have massage benefits-- just as I thought. She said that the chiropractic office where I had been treated was covered under my plan, they simply had to have a billing code to bill for massage therapy.
I went back to the front desk and asked for the billing code in order to verify it with the representative at my insurance company who was willing to wait on hold. That is when the front desk explained that they don't actually have a billing code unless I was seen by one of their chiropractors. I felt really misled that the person who told me she called my insurance was likely not telling the truth that she had called my insurance company. That was pretty disappointing and unnecessary.
I expressed that I wished that I would have been told that I needed to see the chiropractor for them to have a billing code in order to run it through my insurance. She said that when we spoke on the phone she "assumed I knew" and that "nobody really has insurance benefits for massage anyway".
It's funny, but they explained it so well after I have received the service and was on the hook for the $60. Nobody really seemed to be bothered by the fact a little bit more communication before the service was rendered could have avoided this whole awkward situation. I would have actually been seen by the chiropractor and then they would have been able to bill for both services. Both services would have been covered by insurance.
They lost an opportunity to provide a new patient with two different services, while I lost an opportunity to use my insurance benefits.
Sadly, I won't go back to see the awesome and talented massage therapist that treated the tension from my whiplash.