If you love Karaoke, which you do if your life isn't an abysmal pit of sadness and cynicism, this is the place to be. I once brought down the house with a version of the B-52s "Love Shack" that I hear is still legend west of the Cuyahoga river, the entire bar nearly crowd surfed my gin soaked body. The best thing is when everyone gets too drunk to remember which song they picked and you can sort of just get up there and do other people's songs. The only downside is that sometimes the DJ is a turd and doesn't want to hear What's up by 4 Non Blondes for the 18th time in a row but dammit if I'm not gonna do the hits that the people want to hear. Anywho, I don't know if they sell food but they have popcorn just like sitting there. And that is just great.