The manager on duty was extremely condescending & disrespectful. We have been there a few times. My son has shown a history of allergic reaction to dogs, not cats. The allergist specialist suggested we go to our local pet store once a week or so over the next 6-12 months & see how my son reacted to certain dog dander/saliva. My sons reaction is not immediate, it is a gradual reaction. If we found a dog over this time that he was compatible with, we would want to purchase this pup! Well, first couple times we went the ladies we had were very helpful, friendly & considerate. This last time we went, the associate was nice but the manager saw us & made some very condescending comments. Basically poking fun as if we were lying about my sons condition just to get some free play time with the pups. It was rude & un called for, if we wanted just playtime we have our neighbors new pups to play with but the doctor (allergy partners of nevada) specifically suggested this tactic. Then she made a comment loud enough for me especially to hear, "we dont take those pups out just for play- you have to buy!"
Really? Hmmm. Horrible attitude & tactic as we have money we were willing to spend eventually if we found compatibility. We believe in making sure it will work before purchase so that puppy & my son do not have to go through unnecessary separation if he is allergic to specific dander.
You would think a manager would understand this & not react so immaturely, pushing customers away. If my son & daughter were out of control brats i would understand but they are not. They stay by my side & ask before touching.
We'll find another pet store or a private breeder. I also noticed on this visit some pups seemed sick & a couple had sores on their skin/eyes. Diarrhea stuck to back leg fur & tail. Im sure w/a manager like this the care is going down hill because she only cares about $ not welfare of the animals.